My Ultimate Resolve: to ACTUALLY DO all of those things that I saw on pinterest and thought "Hey, I want to do that"

Friday, August 23, 2013

4. No Flour, No salt playdough

Because I am preschool crazy, I invite people I know with young children over to my house once a week for a preschool lesson. I am SO preschool crazy that in the past I have driven to other people's houses to hold preschool (dragging all my stuff with me - more than once I forgot at least one thing). I did this two years ago when Magnificent Blessing from Heaven #4 was the perfect pre-pre-K age and now that Magnificent Blessing from Heaven #5 is getting closer to that point (even though she's actually pre-pre-pre-K i. e. 2 and 1/2) I have started again.

Many, many of my posts will probably be posted with this in mind. Several upcoming posts will be derived from today's pre-pre-K session alone)

Today was our first lesson and we focused on Apples. I found this cool play dough recipe and decided I would apple-fy it with cinnamon and red food coloring. (Pinned 45 weeks ago)
No-flour, no salt play-dough recipe. Results are silky smooth dough! Uses Baking soda and corn starch... CHEAP ingredients! ya!from Messy Kids . This is the softest, squishiest playdough I have ever encountered. I do think that either you need to be exact with measurements or definitely put in more corn starch. I am one of those "let's pour it over it the bowl and if more falls in, it will be okay" and "well, it's not quite a cup, but it will do just fine" kind of cooks. Consequently, more baking soda than corn starch got mixed in and the ratio was not quite right. More corn starch was needed
Another note: mixing took longer than I thought it would. Which is normally not a problem, but when you have four 2-4 year olds looking over your pot waiting for playdough and it taking longer (by about 5 minutes) than salt dough, you kind of wish you would have known to give fair warning to the small tykes "We stir and stir for a long time, but will be able to play soon" would have been good to say. But I think I kept on commenting about how much longer it seemed to be taking. 
Sorry, don't have any personal pics yet, but maybe I will update after dinner

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