My Ultimate Resolve: to ACTUALLY DO all of those things that I saw on pinterest and thought "Hey, I want to do that"

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

16. 9 Time Management tips for everyday life

Who says a pin has to be a physical project? While I am producing physical items for this pin (things like a calendar, daily list, and a menu) sometimes a pin can almost be a state of mind.

My state of mind - chaos - so I am trying to remedy that (pinned 1 day ago)

So I found several different very useful tips:
Plan your month - I do have a calendar and I do write things down, but I don't write EVERYTHING down, so I think writing every little thing (each Tuesday and Thursday # 3 and # 1 have band practice, each time we go to swim practice, each football game, each parade, every time I want to take #5 to library time) it fills up fast; but I think that visual reminder might actually help

Make a to do list.
I do this often, but not everyday (kind of a waste of paper) however, every day I do this I am more productive, so maybe it isn't a waste after all

Start a Menu
I am AWFUL at this. Not very often have I ever kept a menu, but it sure does help when I do. And I found a fantastic site today! SayMmmm! AND.
You still have to do a lot of the work, but I feel so much better about being so overwhelmed with menus. Not totally positive, but I think you can write in your own recipes in your menu planner

And the very last for tonight (because my timer has already gone off) Set a timer. As the blog says "When I work on the computer I need to set a timer. The internet can suck me into a big black hole if I'm not careful.  It is definitely my #1 thing that wastes my time or wastes me!  I also use a timer when I clean.  I set it and see how much I can get done before the timer goes off.  It's amazing what you can accomplish in just 15 minutes."

My fav timer so far:

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